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Scottish Breakfast

New Mexico Tea Company
  • Spoon 1 tsp Per Cup
  • Kettle 212°F
  • Timer 4 Min

This tea is malty, robust, and strong, and made with CTC grade tea. When compared to English breakfast, it has a drier mouthfeel and lacks the natural sweetness that is typical to other blends. Think of it as being in the middle ground between classic English Breakfast and bold Irish Breakfast.


Black tea


India and China

This tea is malty, robust, and strong, and made with CTC grade tea. When compared to English breakfast, it has a drier mouthfeel and lacks the natural sweetness that is typical to other blends. Think of it as being in the middle ground between classic English Breakfast and bold Irish Breakfast.


Black tea


India and China

Price: $3.25

Free Sample (one total per month)
4oz(20% off)$10.40
8oz(35% off)$16.90
16oz(45% off)$28.60
Packaging Options
Gift Tin w/ Label$4.00Holds approx. 4oz. of this tea.
Extra Label$.50For your own tin (3.75" x 2.4")
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5 Stars

My hands down favorite black tea. It is strong but never bitter @ 3 minute steep. I use a little sugar or stevia, no milk. It is just a fantastic, smooth tea. My morning favorite.


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