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Oriental Beauty

New Mexico Tea Company
  • Spoon 1 tsp Per Cup
  • Kettle 190°F
  • Timer 3 Min

This tea, which hails from Yunnan, China, has a smooth, lightly woody tone and both fruity and floral notes and a mellow undertone. It was named Oriental Beauty by Queen Elizabeth II, who was gifted the tea by the British businessman John Dodd after his return from a trip to Taiwan. When prepared in the traditional Chinese tea-brewing method of Gong Fu, it yields nuanced, interesting flavors that are not as discoverable when brewed in an infuser.




Yunnan, China

This tea, which hails from Yunnan, China, has a smooth, lightly woody tone and both fruity and floral notes and a mellow undertone. It was named Oriental Beauty by Queen Elizabeth II, who was gifted the tea by the British businessman John Dodd after his return from a trip to Taiwan. When prepared in the traditional Chinese tea-brewing method of Gong Fu, it yields nuanced, interesting flavors that are not as discoverable when brewed in an infuser.




Yunnan, China

Price: $7.75

4oz(20% off)$24.80
8oz(35% off)$40.30
16oz(45% off)$68.20
Packaging Options
Gift Tin w/ Label$4.00Hold approx. 2oz. of this tea.
Extra Label$.50For your own tin (3.75" x 2.4")
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5 Stars

190° seems too hot and if over steeped her taste is bitter and chalky. If you heat her just right for the recommended 3-4 minutes you will fall in love with her subtle sweetness, reminiscent of apricot fruit, and mellow finish.


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