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Mango Mist

New Mexico Tea Company
  • Spoon 1 tsp Per Cup
  • Kettle 212°F
  • Timer 4 Min

Sweet, flavorful mango pairs well with Ceylon black tea in an organic blend. Perfect as an iced tea for a picnic, or served hot in the winter when you’re craving memories of warmer months.


Organic black tea, natural dried mango, calendula, and natural flavors,

Sweet, flavorful mango pairs well with Ceylon black tea in an organic blend. Perfect as an iced tea for a picnic, or served hot in the winter when you’re craving memories of warmer months.


Organic black tea, natural dried mango, calendula, and natural flavors,

Price: $3.25

Free Sample (one total per month)
4oz(20% off)$10.40
8oz(35% off)$16.90
16oz(45% off)$28.60
Packaging Options
Gift Tin w/ Label$4.00Holds approx. 4oz. of this tea.
Extra Label$.50For your own tin (3.75" x 2.4")
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5 Stars

My expectations were very low, since mango is not always done well. The dry tea smells like a fruit roll-up, which is fun in itself, but the flavor was more than I could have hoped. The mango brought a welcome sweetness, but did not overpower the senses. The black tea, though in the background, brought a fullness to the flavor that has been missing from most mango-flavored drinks I have tried. I drank this warm, but I think it could do well cold. Out of all the teas I have had my roommate try (it's been about three different ones a day this week), this was her very favorite. The light sweetness would make it a crowd-pleaser, even among people who do not typically enjoy black tea. If you enjoy fruit teas at all, I highly recommend this one. I regret I only got 1 oz because I am going to go through it quite rapidly.


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